Teaching is a professional activity involving teacher and student with a view to the development of students’ personality. Levels of Teaching in Teaching Aptitude is very important in teaching.
Levels of Teaching in Teaching Aptitude
Teaching is highly dominated by communication skills. Teaching is an interactive process carried out with purpose and objectives.
Levels of Teaching involve three levels. These are discussed as follows –
i) Memory level of teaching
ii) Understanding level of teaching and
iii) Reflective level of teaching
Memory Level of Teaching
The memory level of teaching is thoughtless. In this level of teaching, emphasis is laid on presenting facts and information. At this level, emphasis is laid on the presentation of facts and information and its cramming.
Memory Level of teaching, this level the facts and the information of the cognitive level are forcibly supplied to the brain of the pupils. Pupils recall and recognize this forcibly retain knowledge when needed.
According to Woodsworth– “Memory is the direct use of what is learned”.
Herbart is the exponent of the memory level of teaching. Herbart includes the following steps in Memory Level of Teaching –
- Preparation Questions are asked to test the previous knowledge.
- Statement of Aim To acquaint the name of the topic.
- Presentation Stimulating the mental activity, the pupils are provided with opportunities for self-learning.
- Association Mutual relationship is established among facts, events and experts by comparison.
- Generalisation Principles and laws are formulated for the future life situations.
- Application New learnt knowledge is used in new situations.
Understanding Level of Teaching
In the understanding level of teaching, the teacher tries to present his instruction at the understanding level. Memory level of reaching is a pre-requisite for the understanding level of teaching.
The teacher makes the pupils, understand the generalizations, principles and fats.
In understanding level of teaching teacher stresses to make understand to the pupils the generalizations, principles and facts.
Morrison is the exponent of the Understanding Level of Teaching. Morrison includes the following steps under Model of Understanding Level of Teaching –
i) Focus – Focus on Mastery of the content.
ii) Syntax – Morrison has divided the understanding level of teaching into five steps. These are –
- Presentation
- Exploration
- Assimilation
- Organization
- Recitation
iii) Social System – The teacher controls the behaviour of the students, student and teacher remain active in assimilation, student works with full involvement.
iv) Support System – Students pass exam in presentation to enter into assimilation, to enter into organisation and recitation, and at the end written test is taken.
Reflective Level of Teaching
Reflective level of teaching includes both understanding and memory level of teaching. It means problem-centered teaching.
Does not succeed if the stitching or memory and understanding level has not taken place earlier. The management of teaching and memory and understanding levels must have taken place at the start.
A reflective level of teaching means problem-centered teaching. The teaching of refractive level cooperated in developing creative capacities by providing people with opportunities to develop intellectual behavior.
So the provision of the teaching of refractive level is essential for the people this teaching level of the reflective power of the people so that they can solve their problems of life by reasoning loss and imagination and lead a successful and happy life.
This classroom environment is open sufficiently. The teacher creates such a problem before the student, which arouses so much tension in the students that they start forming their hypothesis as a result of their motivation and activeness.
Hunt developed the reflective model of teaching. Hunt includes the following steps under Model of Reflective Level of Teaching –
i) Focus – To develop problem solving, critical and constructive, independent, original thinking.
ii) Syntax – Hunt has divided the reflective level of teaching into further five steps. These are
- Creating a problematic situation.
- Formulation of the hypothesis.
- Verify hypothesis.
- Collection of data.
- Testing of hypothesis.
iii) Social System – Student occupy the primary place and teacher secondary place.
iv) Support System – Objective type test is not used but essay type test is used. Attitude, beliefs and involvement is evaluated.
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- Essentials of Examinations System : Evaluation, Test and Measurement – J.C. Aggarwal – Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
- Statistics in Psychology and Education – S.K. Mangal – PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
- E. B. Hurlock – Child Development – Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd
- L. E. Berk – Child Development – PHI Ltd
- Internet Sources
Q. Levels of teaching UGC NET
Ans. – Levels of Teaching involve three levels. These are as follows –
i) Memory level of teaching
ii) Understanding level of teaching and
iii) Reflective level of teaching
Q. Who gave three levels of teaching?
Ans – Three levels of teaching given by –
i) Memory level of teaching – The memory level of teaching is Proposed by John F Herbart.
ii) Understanding level of Teaching – The understanding level of teaching is propounded by H.C Morrison.
iii) Reflective level of teaching – The Reflective level of teaching is propounded by Hunt.
Q. Memory level of teaching given by
Ans. – Memory level of teaching given by John F Herbart.
Q. Understanding level of teaching includes ______.
(i) Memory (ii) Aptitude. (iii) Insight. (iv) Creativity.
Ans. – Understanding level of teaching includes Memory and Insight.
Q. Reflective level of teaching given by
Ans. – Reflective level of teaching given by Hunt.
Q. Which is not a prescribed level of teaching?
a) Memory b) Understanding c) Reflective d) Differentiation
Ans. – d) Differentiation