Research is a way of discovery. It is one of the most powerful tools in advancing human civilization. So, research is an art of scientific inquiry.
It in a general sense is the proper search for answers to unsolved problems. That is, research refers to the search for knowledge. Through it is possible to establish a new theory or modify, accept, or reject an existing theory.
What is Research
Research is “creative and systematic work for the advancement of knowledge”.It is one of the aspects of the advancement of civilization. Human progress is not possible without research. Hence research is considered a scientific method of problem-solving. i.e. ‘Research is an art of scientific inquiry’.
Meaning of Research
Research in a general sense is a ‘search for knowledge’. The French word for ‘Research’ is ‘recerchier’ which means – ‘to investigate thoroughly’.
The English word ‘Research’ consists of two words, namely – Re + Search, i.e. Re = Again and Search = To find out.
The English word ‘RESEARCH’ literally means –
- R = The rational way of thinking
- E = Expert and exhaustive
- S = Search for a solution
- E = Exactness or exactitude
- A = Analytical analysis of adequate data
- R = Relationship of facts or variable
- C = Careful recording, Critical observations and Constructive attitude
- H = Honesty and Hard Work
5 Definition of Research
Research is defined in various ways. Some notable definitions of research are mentioned here –
According to Redman and Morey (1923) – “Research is the systematized effort to gain new knowledge”.
According to Earl Robert Babbie – “Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon”.
According to John W. Best and Kahn – “Research is the systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observation that may lead to the development of generalization, principles or theories resulting in prediction and possibility ultimate control of events”.
According to The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (Oxford, 1952, P.1069) – “Research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”.
According to The Encyclopaedia of Social Science (Vol. IX, Mc Millan, 1930) – “Research as the manipulation of things, the concept of symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in the construction of theory or in the practice of an art”.
So The main theme of the research is the problem. To solve this problem specifically or scientifically by applying different methods to arrive at the right decision is called research.
The term ‘research’ refers to the process of defining a problem, formulating hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing data and solving the related problem or arriving at certain conclusions.
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The Characteristics of Research
Analyzing the definitions given by various researchers, all the significant important features of the research are observed, they are –
1. Systematic Process
It is a systematic, coherent and organized process, which follows appropriate procedures to achieve the research objective.
2. Purposeful
The research aims to provide a comprehensive and unbiased understanding of a particular phenomenon, situation or problem. It tries to eliminate personal bias and subjective opinion.
3. Empirical
Its work is based on empirical evidence. That is, it collects data from the real world through various methods such as observation, survey, experiment and interview.
4. Generalizable
It should aim to provide results that can be generalized beyond the sample to the larger population studied.
5. Ethical
Ethics is one of the characteristics of research. Ethical aspects such as respect for participants, informed consent, confidentiality and transparency about results guide the research.
So, Accuracy and reliability are special aspects of research. The basis of the research is observation and empirical knowledge.
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Q. What is the short definition of research?
Ans. According to Redman and Morey (1923) – “Research is the systematized effort to gain new knowledge”.
Q. What is research according to John W. Best?
Ans. According to John W. Best – “Research is the systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observation that may lead to the development of generalization, principles or theories resulting in prediction and possibility ultimate control of events”.
Q. What is the best definition of research *?
Ans. The best definition of research is –
According to The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (Oxford, 1952, P.1069) – “Research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”.
Q. What are the characteristics of research?
Ans. The main characteristics of research are –
1. Systematic Process,
2. Ethical,
3. Generalizable,
4. Empirical etc.
What are the 5 characteristics of research?
The 5 characteristics of research are –
1. Research is the careful process of collecting and recording data.
2. Research is always a goal-oriented and objective continuous process
3. Research Problem Solving Process.
4. Research is the careful process of finding information.
5. Accuracy and Reliability (is one of the special aspects of research.
Good answer.
Thank You so much